National Population Debates 2011: Population and Economic Growth

AYON May 08, 2023

Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON) in joint collaboration with Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) Nepal and UNFPA Nepal is organizing a series of debate program on Population issues. Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population has recently endorsed a long term Population Perspective Plan-PPP (2010-2031), which emphasizes greater need for integration of population dynamics and emerging population issues into national and sectoral development priorities and poverty reduction strategies/plans.

In order to stimulate contemporary debate on emerging population issues of Nepal and gather national and regional perspectives on the issues, the “National Population Debates 2011” program has been introduced. The underlying purpose of the debates is to advocate for better policy alignment of population issues with the national development agenda and poverty reduction goals towards attainment of ICPD goals by 2014 and MDGs by 2015.

The first debate was held on 2nd September at Hotel Himalaya on the topic “Population and Economic Growth”. The sub-topics under this debate were Poverty and Reduction in Nepal: A critical review, Women’s Contribution to National Economy: A critical review and Migration and Remittance: Its impact to Nepali society. National experts, Dr. Jagadish Chandra Pokharel (Ph.D), Ms. Bhawani Rana (Vice President FNCCI) and Dr. Ganesh Gurung(PH.d) were the presentors for the aforementioned topics respectively. Mr. Rameshwor Khanal was the commentator whereas Mr. Prem Baniya moderated the overall program. Four more debates on different Population Issues are scheduled for upcoming days.

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