Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON) in joint collaboration with Nepalese Youth Entrepreneurs Forum (NYEF) and British Council (BC) conducted a Consulation Workshop on “National Youth Policy”, its implementation and Status assessment with Policy Makers, Civil Society Leaders and Youth Entrepreneurs on 14th February, 2012 at DECC Hall, World Trade Center, Tripureshwor.
The objectives of the program are:
To influence Ministy of Youth and Sports (MoYS) to develop youth friendly policy
To advocate for better coordination between the line-ministries so that the available youth targeted policies are duly implemented.
To advocate youth participation from decision level to implementation level in every sector.
The consultation focused on “National Youth Policy” and “Youth Entrepreneurship”, current context, situation analysis and reflection on the role of MoYS towards Youth. The workshops organized targeted Young Entrepreneurs, Civil Society Youth Leaders and Young Women Leaders. The Civil Society Youth Leaders focused on crosscutting needs and issues of the youths while the rest of the groups (entrepreneurs, political leaders, women and representatives from marginalized communities) were centered on their own area of concern or specialty.
The program commenced with a presentation by Mr. Brabim Kumar K.C., General Secretary, AYON on “National Youth Policy from Youth Perspective”. The presentation incorporated the perception of Youth, contradicting definition of Youth, issues of Youth in present context, status of Youth in Nepal and problems of unemployment, underemployment, and school dropout prevalent among youth. He then shifted his focus to National Youth Policy (NYP) of Nepal and how this policy of Youth has been able to or has attempted to address problems as such. He pinpointed some positive things about NYP which are as follows.
Positive attributes of NYP 2066
1. Youth Consultations done prior to the formulation of NYP
2. It has identified 17 vital Strategic Working Sectors for Youth
3. Gender Inclusive
4. Female participation
5. Provision of review in every 5 years
While reviewing the NYP critically, following points were put forth in the presentation:
1. Lack of involvement of Youth Entrepreneur
2. Demands review of other sectoral policies
3. Some confusion on Education
4. Mainstreaming of existing educational vocational training can solve many problems of youth and education required
5. Huge age gap in the definition
6. Youth Mobilization
7. Youth Employment
8. Ethnic issues
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